Thursday, January 6, 2011


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01/07 10:00

Only4wowgold Wants You To Know More Cataclysm

01/06 02:30
We've talked concerning the tol'vir before Cataclysm launched. While what we learned about them then was tantalizing, what we've learned about them since has helped develop our knowing of them quite a bit. Proud, ritualistic, formal, feral, the tol'vir are a race bound by their ancient process and pinned in between their duty and their need to return to a think of existence they see as more perfect compared to one they currently inhabit.

The last remaining bastion of free tol'vir on the surface of Azeroth might be the mysterious land of Uldum. Created eons ago by the Titans, Uldum is part of the planetary monitoring system that when girdled the ancient continent of Kalimdor alongside Ulduar and Uldaman. While Ulduar appears to possess been intended to imprison the family adress is Wall Streetancient Old God Yogg-Saron, and Uldaman perhaps served as a buy wow gold producing center for earthen (although it may well also have served other purposes), Uldum's objective was linked to Ulduar in a very actual and direct way. Ulduar was where Algalon would come to make his judgment concerning the fitness of the Azeroth experiment when the prime designate Loken was destroyed. And Uldum?

If one thinks of Algalon as the means by which a world is judged, then think of Uldum as the executor of his will. Ulduar is where Azeroth would have been condemned, and Uldum is how the sentence would have been carried out. The tol'vir of Uldum, therefore, have the most critical process of all the Titan's creations, as wow gold they maintain the world-destroying engines and keep their energy out of the hands of those people the United States who might otherwise use them. Unfortunately for the tol'vir, those people who would undo the Titan's operate for their personal ends have often subverted or corrupted these last guardians of Titanic secrets if you wish to gain access to what they guard.

Accursed Flesh Once, the tol'vir guarded Titan websites throughout the world. Alongside the mechagnomes, earthen, vrykul and giants, the tol'vir performed as maintenance and protection to lore repositories and ancient secrets. It appears likely that they were creations of Norgannon the Lorekeeper (the same one who left the Discs of Norgannon in Uldaman that pointed to Uldum's location, which makes one wonder if there were when tol'vir in Uldaman, buy and order and if so, where they went). It's fascinating that there are prowling panthers in Ulduar when one considers that there are no cats anywhere else from the Storm Peaks. Since we know the tol'vir were susceptible to the curse of flesh, were these cats their descendants?

What we do know is this: Following the superb war in between the ancient Aqir and the troll empires, the Aqir made their way north and south, ransacking former Titan complexes on the order of their dread master, the Old God C'thun. While C'thun itself lay underneath the ancient Titan fortress covering most of southern Kalimdor and thus could direct his creations more closely as they created Ahn'Qiraj out of what was when a sister town to Uldum, the ancestors of the nerubians were additional away. Closer to the Old God known as Yogg-Saron, and at times divided in their loyalties (even at times seemingly more afraid of the Old Gods and their servants than loyal to them), the nerubians invaded and destroyed wow gold another Titan lore repository and enslaved the tol'vir who dwelt there, much as their qiraji cousins the zip is 10020 did, but for their personal ends.

These tol'vir were kept isolated from the curse of flesh, mainly because their massive, stony bodies made them effective weapons of war against the enemies of those two disparate empires founded by descendants of the aqir. Indeed, another objective to suspect Norgannon of being integrated from the original creation of the tol'vir might be the use both the nerubians and the qiraji put them to. Obsidian destroyers like Moam can actually consume magic. Norgannon the Lorekeeper might be the one who empowered Malygos, the recently deceased Aspect of Magic, from the 1st place. This fact, and the fact how the tol'vir were entrusted with safeguarding places where secrets and lore were held in trust, makes the connection seem more obvious, but it's just speculation at the moment. We only understand game news initial capital how the Titans were their creators, that they were initially stone constructs, how the servants of the Old Gods can somehow remove the curse of flesh from them (as seen above when Deathwing's minion Siamat removes the curse of flesh from tol'vir in Uldum).

The tol'vir in Northrend are apparently all gone, used as residing weapons by the nerubians against the Scourge throughout the War of the Spider and then, soon after that war was lost, used once more by the now undead nerubians at the Lich King's demand. It's possible a few stay deep underground both as obsidian destroyers or even as uncorrupted tol'vir, but as yet, none have been seen. The tol'vir who may well have inhabited Uldaman are even more mysterious; the only objective we even have to speculate about their existence might be the fact how the discs of Norgannon pointing to Uldum's existence were found out there and frozen assets the presence of lions and other big cats from the heraldry of Stormwind and other human being wow gold nations despite there being almost no lions currently alive from the Eastern Kingdoms. Lions are frequent companions and allies to the tol'vir.

The modern tol'vir remaining in Uldum are divided into two main tribes. One might be the Neferset led by Dark Pharoah Tekahn, who have allied using the oxygen elemental forces of the Vortex Pinnacle and, through them, Deathwing himself. another might be the Ramkahen under King Phaoris, who resist Deathwing and his followers and wow gold circulating capital attempt to keep to the old methods of their people, defending Uldum from those people who would seek to use its ancient secrets against the will of the Titans. using the destruction of Orsis by servants of Al'Akir the Windlord, Ramkahen might be the last remaining bastion of tol'vir who are neither enslaved by nor corrupted by the Old Gods and their lieutenants.

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Aion Guide for World of Warcraft The Tourists and Visitors buy wow gold

12/14 05:58

Usually when one thinks of the MMO the first thing that usually comes to mind is World of Warcraft. Using i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress the king of the genre, this guide wow gold compares and contrasts the new game from NCsoft, Aion. In it you deflation will learn about their races, classes and missions.

Tower of Eternity
World of Warcraft has become the quintessential elite world of the MMO. The relatively new creation called Aion NCsoft, but particularly different, has made its mark as well. This little guide and so widespread will look at what the game is with the unadulterated deflation bias of a former player of World of Warcraft.

Lessons Factions

The game is centered around three races: the runaway inflation Elyos of Elysées, and Balaur Asmodae Asmodians only4wowgold vs ige of the abyss. His world Atreia, has been severely disrupted by the destruction of the Tower of Eternity, the division of the planet in three very unique pieces. Elysea, the house is beautiful and radiant Elyos bathed in constant light of a nearby star, hence the creation of a prosperous existence and i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress lighting system. Dark internal Asmodae the Asmodians reside in the upper half of the broken world, and is not touched by the rays of the sun. Descendant of the Elyos, have evolved into a new career. Equipped with claws, mane flowing and fearful eyes bright red to somewhat reminiscent of the undead in Warcraft. The Balaur are known as the dark. Once the guards Atreia, have become a race bent on the destruction of evil. Do not forget, however, both races can fly!

The main difference between Aion and World of Warcraft is that Aion is more focused on PVP and the growing tensions between the Elyos and Asmodians. Their missions, cities and the main contents are centralized in the frame of his career defending against the other faction, and Balaur. Any attempt to prevent the other faction, in addition to the deflation starting area, it is extremely difficult. The inability to i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress see the level of other races at any time and lack of punishment for killing players of twenty levels lower than that would make this game enjoyable for those who do not like games based PvP.

From being able to pick four very general classes which allows you to embark on your human journey on the rise in the level ten.


Templars - The Templar is your all runaway inflation around the tank. Being able to specialize in swords, maces and only4wowgold vs ige swords large usually carry a sword and a shield. They also tend to have more hate (that is the rage for players of WoW), have better blocking skills and have more points of life in general. However, this is deflation your protection spec warrior.

Gladiator - This class is the hairy arms or warrior. The ability to equip almost every wepon in the game, they are a DPS machine. The ability to use the board lets you take large amounts of damage and more often than a tank was excellent.


Murderer - the murderer is the kind of rouge. With the skills of stealth, poison, and the majority only4wowgold vs ige of movements that was completed back goals, this class can cope with a lot of damage. Unlike the gladiators, however, that the leather can wear down quickly.

Ranger - Equip a bow and arrow, this is the only physical ranged DPS class in Aion. The disadvantage of this class is i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress that no pets are and constantly have to kite mobs around. However, on the positive side, you get a lot slower, pitfalls and disadvantages that can be stacked on the goals by the Rangers one of the hardest classes to kill.


Spirits - This is your witch. Being able runaway inflation to summon a variety of pets (fire, water, land and water pets) are one of the best solo classes.

Sorcerer - A magician any point of view, are adpet in all elemental magic. Being able to drive large amounts of damage in a short time, are the most damaging explosion in deflation the game. But beware, they are soft.


Chanter - The only4wowgold vs ige base champion, this class has a great set of fans and dps and tank well enough alone time.

Cleric - Clerics are the best healers runaway inflation in the game overall. Armed with healing over time, instant cure, and many fans are i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress a necessity in every group or PvP. Basically its holy priest with DPS abilities bit to a higher level

Inquisitive in Aion is almost identical to that of World of Warcraft. The main difference is that there only4wowgold vs ige are three types: the campaign, work orders and regular missions. Campaign missions are placed at intervals, while the level, appearing automatically. Usually follow a main storyline, while helping them progress through their own traditional characters. They give you some pretty amazing gear, experience wow gold and gold as well. Work orders are missions designed specifically to help their development level and are generally the best level of progression, which otherwise could be very long and expensive. That leaves the regular missions can be found in i like only4wowgold more than susanexpress all urban centers and runaway inflation remote locations. May consist of your basic collection missions, missions and killing even repeatable missions that can do more than 100 times.

By Douglas Wall,

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